Use "started towards|start towards" in a sentence

1. Several branches started bending towards the ground.

2. Glancing towards me, he started to laugh.

3. Suddenly she started acting very pally towards me.

4. The same drives that we see towards ubiquity, towards diversity, towards socialization, towards complexity.

5. The plane's nose dipped as it started descending towards the runway.

6. A wasp came towards us and Howard started flailing his arms around.

7. She started running towards the street but suddenly doubled back to the house.

8. From Heraklion towards Agios Nikolaos, then towards Ierapetra. From there towards Ziros Chandras plane.

9. He is aggressive towards me and unctuous towards David.

10. At the start, everyone was respectful towards him, listening carefully to his soporific explanations.

11. Start on left side of Bodice and roll both layers towards the right side.

12. A one - party state can be the start of the slippery slope towards fascism.

13. When he saw this he was further enraged and started towards the seer with an axe.

14. Behaviour towards She complained of her boss’s inappropriate behavior towards her

15. Start budding rootstocks towards the end of the month, taking buds from firm young shoots.

16. Bend towards/across etc He bent towards me and whispered in my ear

17. She pushed the yoke forward and the plane's nose dipped as it started descending towards the runway.

18. Rule take a positive attitude towards your exams Start with the right psychological frame of mind.

19. Head towards the mall.

20. American Artillerymen Shooting Towards …

21. Walk towards me slowly!

22. She inclines towards melancholia.

23. Started in April 2015, Bluestockings Boutique is an online ‘lingerie and underthings’ boutique geared towards the LGBTQIA+ community

24. The concept of a campus food pantry—Louie’s Cupboard—started with a class project geared towards social movements

25. But this was not enough to keep away mosquitoes, which started to arrive and drift towards the flames.

26. Anger towards Caesar's Burdeners rises.

27. She's going towards the Louvre.

28. Strolling slowly towards the sun

29. 9 Charles tends towards obesity.

30. Flowers turn towards the light.

31. Heading west towards the freeway.

32. He leans artistically towards romanticism.

33. We advanced towards the castle.

34. These permutations multiply towards infinity.

35. Her feelings for Percy start to show but she is confused because of her lingering feelings towards Luke.

36. Humanity, which has an obvious predisposition towards goodness, has an equally strong predisposition towards evil.

37. Without hesitation he started to walk towards them, despite the searing heat of the flames now only yards off.

38. She's too protective towards her.

39. The ball headed towards me.

40. The first step towards civilisation.

41. There's something crawling towards Aardvark.

42. He behaved abominably towards her.

43. The frog hopped towards him.

44. The number tends towards infinity.

45. Towards 6 a.m. daylight broke.

46. He headed towards the station.

47. Towards dressing such grievous injuries?

48. Heading west towards the junction.

49. I edged towards the door.

50. They biased towards this plan.

51. There’s a road on Left, if coming towards Passu from Atabad which leads towards Borith Lake

52. Among other things, the study noted a certain movement towards active ageing and towards territorial dynamics.

53. Confidence towards oneself and towards the own partner seems be a basic of a good partnership.

54. Swedish mentality seems to have two opposing tendencies: one towards individualism and the other towards Collectivity

55. Maximum impulse towards the nebula.

56. Be considerate towards the poor.

57. He moved towards her menacingly.

58. Anconad Located towards the elbow

59. She's working towards her PhD.

60. A rhinoceros lumbered towards them.

61. Simon shuffled awkwardly towards them.

62. Baseball an illegal motion by a pitcher towards the plate or towards the base Explanation of Baulks

63. To start Buttering, all you need to do is shift the weight of you body towards the tail or

64. On this hypothesis the spits both start from their respective headlands and converge towards the centre of the bay.

65. Although he started out using crude, undiluted tinctures, towards the end of his life he was using very high potencies.

66. Galaxies would start rushing towards each other, and as they clumped together their gravitational pull would get even stronger.

67. Baseball an illegal motion by a pitcher towards the plate or towards the base Explanation of Baulk

68. Example trek from Thimphu Day 01: Thimphu – Sinchula (Approximately 4 hours) Drive towards Dechhencholing to Kabesa to start trek.

69. Peace and goodwill towards all mammals

70. Ally groped steadily towards the door.

71. That life, unfettered, moves towards life.

72. Climate change is barreling towards us.

73. He looked up towards the heavens.

74. He strode purposefully towards the barn.

75. She feels no bitterness towards him.

76. Is the trend towards privatization reversible?

77. She pointed me towards an armchair.

78. She has no inclination towards mysticism.

79. We looked longingly towards the hills.

80. She pushed her face towards him.